The direction of the electric dipole is from negative particle to positive particle. When an electric dipole in the electric field, the force on the two particles is opposite.
Then we used equation we learned in 4A Torque=Fr to found the torque in electric dipole. We found electric moment P=2qa and torque in electric dipole=PE.
We found out work is the change of potential energy.
This is prediction 3-D diagram for electric dipole. In second image, we did a program to express the electric dipole by using Vpthon.
Then we found out the direction of a electric field is from positive charge to negative charge.
This is the unit we found for flux.
For a cube, flux is zero on side 3 and 4. But it exists on side 1 and 2.
Today, we started talking about electric dipole and flux. Direction of a electric dipole is always from negative electron to positive electron. Coding a program for electric dipole was a big trouble for us. We spend lots of time to work for it. For the flux, we found out the unit for flux is Nm^2/C and flux=Ecosθ*A.